A special Reunion message for the Class of 1964 from Greg Spano ’64:
“Dear Stanners, The AMHS Class of 1964 is working to reach as many members of our class as possible leading up to this year’s Molloy Reunion. This year marks the 60th Anniversary of our graduation, and we hope to see many of our classmates at the Reunion on November 2, 2024, to be held at Molloy. Please contact me, Greg Spano, at netyank52@aol.com or call 516-328-3901 to provide updated information for yourselves or any of our classmates from 1964. This will help us reach out now and to keep in touch in the future. We look forward to celebrating this amazing milestone with all of you!” — Greg Spano ’64

Molloy Commences 2024-25 School Year. Welcome Back!
Last week, Archbishop Molloy High School was excited to welcome back its students, faculty, and staff as we officially began the 2024-25 school year! The first week of September featured several orientation days, allowing each grade – and new faculty – to get acclimated. Freshmen in particular had a busy orientation day, as it was their first real opportunity to navigate their new school as students. Fortunately, senior leaders, faculty, and staff were available to help the freshmen open lockers, find homerooms, and get everywhere else they needed to go. Monday, September 9th marked the first full day for all students. As for the Class of 2025, even though it feels as though they just entered Molloy, they have already begun their senior year! Time does fly, so we encourage all students to take advantage of every day of their Molloy journey. Good luck, Stanners!
Below please enjoy our “Welcome Back” reel, shared via Instagram!
The 2024 Freshman One-Day Retreat

On Thursday, August 29th, the entire Class of 2028 gathered for the first time at their first ever class retreat! The freshmen spent the day on site at Molloy, learning about what it means to be a Marist student and socializing with their new classmates. The event was just day one in their four-year high school journey!
The objective of the day was to introduce our newest Stanners to the five Marist pillars: Presence, Simplicity, Family Spirit, Love of Work, and In the Way of Mary. Students listened to presentations that taught the essence of the pillars, and then participated in small-group activities that represented each pillar. These activities included donating school supplies for those in need, walking through obstacle courses blindfolded with guided help, creating Molloy cheers, playing two truths and a lie, and making posters of things that they hope to get involved in while in school. Students were also treated to lunch, and after, a magic show! At the end of the day, the entire class went outside onto Stanner Field for a full-class photo in the shape of a 28!
Campus Minister for Retreats Mr. Matt Corrado shares, “Our one-day freshman retreat was a resounding success! We had a joyful and meaningful day learning about our five Marist pillars, diving deeper into our mission of making Jesus known and loved, and of course bonding with new friends in the freshman class! We are so excited to see all of the amazing things the Class of 2028 will accomplish over the next four years!” Thank you to our Campus Ministry team, faculty and staff volunteers, and especially every student leader who made the day possible!
Congratulations to Our Over 150 AP Scholars!
Archbishop Molloy High School is proud to congratulate its newest AP Scholars! Over 150 students, including our recent graduates, have been recognized by the College Board based on their outstanding performance on AP exams during the 2023-24 academic year.
AP courses offer students in the United States an opportunity to earn college credit before graduating high school. As of the September 2024, Molloy offers 24 AP courses in a variety of subjects, giving Stanners an opportunity for a big “leg up” on college.
AP Scholars are recognized under three different distinctions: The AP Scholar award is granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams; the AP Scholars with Honors award is granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams; the AP Scholars with Distinction award is granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. Click on the thumbnails above to read the full lists of this year’s AP Scholars.
2-Time NBA Champ Kenny “The Jet” Smith ’83 Visits Molloy
In the early days of summer, Molloy was excited to host two-time NBA Champion and TBS/TNT anchor Kenny “The Jet” Smith ’83 at Molloy for an afternoon! Kenny was visiting Molloy with a camera crew as they filmed scenes for an upcoming documentary. The cameras followed Kenny as he walked the halls of his alma mater, visited the late Coach Jack Curran’s office, met with Athletic Director Mr. McCleary, and entered the Jack Curran Gymnasium for the first time in several years. Kenny also spent some time giving advice to student-athletes who were getting ready for a practice. It was great to see you, Kenny, and we look forward to viewing the documentary!
Campus Ministry Holds First Team Retreat of New School Year
On September 4th, the Girls JV Soccer team participated in the first athletic retreat of the 2024-25 school year, led by Campus Ministry. The afternoon was centered around the themes of communication and unity, and how our Marist mission of making Jesus known and loved can be incorporated into our endeavors as student athletes (on and off the field.) The Campus Ministry team looks forward to working with more teams – and clubs – throughout the year!
Molloy Hosts Marist Visitors From Spain
In August, Assistant Principal Dr. Des Flynn ’97 was pleased to host educator Luis Grande, who was visiting from Collegi Maristes Champagnat, a Marist school in Badalona, Spain. During the visit, Dr. Flynn accompanied Luis and his wife Esther on a tour around the Molloy campus, visiting many classrooms and specialized spaces. “Luis and Esther were very impressed and noticed the similarities and differences between our schools,” said Dr. Flynn. Visits such as this help Molloy connect with our greater Marist world, reminding us that there are many others across the globe living out the Marist Charism everyday.

St. John’s University Highlights Outstanding Stanner Alum
Congratulations to Julia Goncalves ’23 on being featured in a fantastic article published by St. John’s University! The article highlights the many ways Julia has taken full advantage of her short time at SJU. Amazingly, Julia’s hard work at Molloy through the College Advantage program and her AP studies earned her 27 college credits before her SJU career even began. Julia also references lots of time well spent at the Marist Brothers’ Center at Esopus and the Mid-Hudson Valley Deaf Camp. Great job, Julia!
Kathryn Maio ’21 enjoyed a summer internship in Marine Science with New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection. During the internship, Kate conducted water quality analyses for the New York Harbor Water Quality Program while on board research boats. Tasks included dissolved oxygen titrations, nutrient analysis, and coliform bacteria microbiology analysis. Evaluators said she was quick to learn, while her contributions were integral in helping the team during an intensive summer sampling season. Congratulations, Kate! | Pictured: Kate with fellow Stanner Mr. Markus Koelbl ’93
This September, at the age of 74, Dr. Bill Endy ’68 is hiking the Grand Canyon one more, final time. Having completed the “Rim to Rim” hike several years ago – one of the most difficult hikes at the Grand Canyon – Dr. Endy now aims to complete the “Rim to River to Rim” hike, with the short “Eye of the Needle” side hike added in. This equates to approximately 20 miles! Dr. Endy has been training, when possible, for several months and is overall a very experienced hiker.
Part of Dr. Endy’s motivation for attempting this hike, as has been the case with his other recent major hikes, is to acquire more followers on his YouTube Channel. If he can reach 1,000 followers on YouTube, he can monetize the channel, pledging that any proceeds from views would be donated to the Jack Gremse ’68 Tuition Assistance Fund at Molloy, which was created in honor of his late friend and classmate.
We wish Dr. Endy safety and success as he attempts this challenging hike. If you would like to follow along with Dr. Endy’s progress, consider following him on YouTube (click the button below)!
Congratulations to Rob Galitelli ’95 (center), who was recently promoted by the NYPD to the rank of Chief. Pictured with Rob are Chief of Detectives Joe Kenny ’83 (right) and LCD John Russo ’93 (left).
Congratulations to John Attard ’06 and wife Elizabeth on the birth of their son Christopher! The Attard family welcomed Christopher on August 27, 2024 at 10:34am. He arrived at 10 lbs. 11oz. and 21.25 inches. John, Elizabeth, Christopher, big sister Nicole are all happy and healthy since.

We are saddened to share the passing of Robert (Bob) Melli ’69, on September 5, 2024. Mr. Melli was a longtime benefactor of Molloy, previously helping to establish The Camille Palermo Melli Scholarship. Please pray for the Melli family, including Bob’s wife, Izabela, their children, Marco (AMHS Class of ’28) and Giana (freshman at Fontbonne), his brothers Anthony and Frank, sister Donna (and husband Frank), and nephews Robert, Andrew, and Alexander. | Click Here for Memorial Page
We are saddened to share the passing of Charles Stolze Ph.D, father of faculty member Eric Stolze ’86. Charles is also survived by his wife, Gloria, and daughter, Amy. Please keep Charles and his loved ones in your prayers.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Judith Leary, mother of longtime assistant basketball coach Fran Leary. Judith passed away on August 30, 2024. | Click Here for Memorial Page
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Marilyn Ann Zachmann, mother of Scott F. Panella ’83. Marilyn passed away on August 15, 2024. According to Scott, “My mother thought very highly of Molloy and was so happy when I was accepted and started in September 1979.” Please join us in prayer for Marilyn and the Zachmann family.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of David J. Barlin ’67, who passed away on August 9, 2024. | Click Here for Memorial Page